Tuesday, April 22, 2008

First Entry

Greetings to anyone who finds this little slice of the web.

As this is a first post, I feel it is important to introduce the subject matter fully. This will be a blog about Magic: the Gathering, the collectable and mildly addictive card game invented by a mathematics PhD and developed by Wizards of the Coast, now wholely owned by Hasbro.

As this is a high-level IP type of thing, I will only reference cards by names, with links to www.wizards.com/magic for specific images of cards, rules, and other fun things. That should keep the lawyers off my back for the most part.

As for myself, I am a just a player. I happen to be OK, I'll win often enough to come home with packs from events I go to, but I don't play competitively at any high level. Nor am I some shill for a website designed to sell cards. I will never sell my own cards here, nor is this an audition for a regular column with some site. I post here because I want to write about the game and think I may have some interesting things to say.

Lastly I intend for this to be an excercise in my writing, particularly in picking a deadline and sticking with it. Therefore, I will post a column to this blog weekly, starting this week. The new post will be up prior to 11:59PM Eastern each Sunday, and viewable for you Monday mornings. The length of the column is not set in stone, but I expect each will be between 1000 and 5000 words. Generally if they start getting over 3000 I'll probably break them into two-parters. Though I may post the second part of those not on a Sunday to keep on my weekly topic schedule. The schedule may also be changed at some point, but I will make a notice about it.

I encourage a response, and will leave comments open. Feel free to contact me with ideas for columns or other items.

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